English - Sinhala Dictionary
- freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool"
- a support on which things can be put; "the gun was steadied on a special Rest"
- a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration
- something left after other parts have been taken away; "there was no remainder"; "he threw away the Rest"; "he took what he wanted and I got the balance"
- euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); "she was laid to Rest beside her husband"; "they had to put their family pet to sleep"
- a state of inaction; "a body will continue in a state of Rest until acted upon"
- a pause for relaxation; "people actually accomplish more when they take time for short Rests"
- be at Rest
- stay the same; remain in a certain state; "The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it"; "Rest assured"; "stay alone"; "He remained unmoved by her tears"; "The bad weather continued for another week"
- take a short break from one''s activities in order to relax
- give a Rest to; "He Rested his bad leg"; "Rest the dogs for a moment"
- Rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"
- sit, as on a branch; "The birds perched high in the treee"
- not move; be in a Resting position
- put something in a Resting position, as for support or steadying; "Rest your head on my shoulder"
- be inactive, refrain from acting; "The committee is Resting over the summer"
- be inherent or innate in;
- have a place in relation to something else; "The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West"; "The responsibility Rests with the Allies"
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