English - Sinhala Dictionary
DESCRIPTIONS for 'Pretend'
- the enactment of a pretense; "it was just Pretend"
- state insincerely; "He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt"; "She Pretended not to have known the suicide bomber"; "She Pretends to be an expert on wine"
- make believe with the intent to deceive; "He feigned that he was ill"; "He shammed a headache"
- represent fictitiously, as in a play, or Pretend to be or act like; "She makes like an actress"
- put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation; "I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again"; "I cannot Pretend to say that you are wrong"
- behave unnaturally or affectedly; "She''s just acting"
- put forward a claim and assert right or possession of; "Pretend the title of King"
- imagined as in a play; "the make-believe world of theater"; "play money"; "dangling their legs in the water to catch Pretend fish"
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